Already after the First World War, the University of Leuven had become active in the colony. In 1925, a group of professors from the Faculty of Medicine established the Fondation Médicale de l'Université de Louvain au Congo (FOMULAC) near Kisantu. In 1932, the CADULAC (Centres agronomiques de l'Université de Louvain au Congo) aiming at improving the living conditions of the indigenous population via agricultural education were created. In 1947, all branches were concentrated in Kisantu in the Centre Universitaire Congolais Lovanium. It was only in 1950 that the founding of a real university in Congo was decided. Minutes of the meeting of the administrative board of Lovanium, 1952.
NAB, Archives Pierre Ryckmans, no. 91/3.
NAB, Archives Pierre Ryckmans, no. 91/3.